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Though pigs will eat just about anything, all kinds of scraps, or leftover food such as bread, other grains, vegetables, and fruits, their growth rates are best maintained when the animals are fed a feed made specifically for pigs.
Good feed is necessary for growth, body maintenance and the production of meat and milk. You can use locally available feeds that are less expensive, but can be nutritionally complete when properly prepared. In fact, pigs can be fed well, using only kitchen scraps from a family’s household(for local farmer). The nutritional needs of pigs are contained in the following list of ingredient: Soya bean, maize, rice bran, broken rice, wheat bran, leucaena tree leaves (leaves are rich in protein. After drying, they can be mixed and fed to pigs with other feeds.)
NOTE: Good pig feed contains sufficient energy, protein, minerals and vitamins. These ingredients listed above are core and none negotiable for pig feed.
Other ingredients includes: Forest Products, wild vegetables, wild bananas, wild cola – cassia, yam, forage grasses (if they are properly cooked), cassava, Potato, yam, papaya, sweet potato, Banana Stem, Pumpkin, Clover e.t.c.
Pig Feed Mixing Ratio (kg)
Follow this “pig feed mixing ratio” for optimal growth and productivity.
• Pigs weighing 15-30 kg has feed mixing ratio as follows:
Soya beans (25kg) + Rice bran (25kg) + Maize (20kg) + Broken rice (5kg) + Wheat bran (20kg) + Leucaena tree leaves (5kg) giving a total of 100kg.
• Pigs weighing 30-6 0kg has feed mixing ratio as follows:
Soya beans (20kg) + Rice bran (30kg) + Maize (25kg) + Broken rice (5kg) + Wheat bran (15kg) + Leucaena tree leaves (5kg) giving a total of 100kg.
• Pigs weighing 60 kg and above has feed mixing ratio as follows:
Soya beans (15kg) + Rice bran (35kg) + Maize (30kg) + Broken rice (5kg) + Wheat bran (10kg) + Leucaena tree leaves (5kg) giving a total of 100kg.