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method:deep litter
type of birds:layers
1.Chicken House .ie 1000sqft @5000 = 5,000,000/=
2.500 Day Old Chicks @ 4000 = 2,000,000/=
3. Feeds
(7kgs per bird) i.e 3500kgs
Chick starter and
Grower feeds ( day 1 to 18 weeks) @1400 = 4,900,000/=
1650kg(110g per bird).
Pre-Lay feeds( week19-23 weeks)@1300= 2,145,000/=
4.15 sacks of litter(brooding and grower phase) @7000 = 105,000/=
5. 2 brooder pots @10000=20,000/=
6. 1sack of charcoal @80,000 = 80,000/=
7. 6 baby drinkers @6,000 = 36,000/=
8. 20 baby feeders @2,500 = 50,000/=
9. 2 jerrycans @5,000 = 10,000/=
10. 2 Basins @6000 = 12,000/=
11. Electricity Yaka = 250,000/= lumpsum OR SOLAR
12. 1 Spray pump = 65,000/=
13. 8 Brooding papers@2500=20,000/= OR used NEWSPAPERS
14. All medications,Vet services and vaccinations Upto ( 5.5 months) =+-1,000,000/=
15. drinking system (Preferably bell)#5@60000=300000/= +water tank and installations fees=250,000/= grand total=550,000/=
16. 10 circular feeders 6kgs @14000 =140,000/=
17. 5 laying Nests@20.000 = 100,000/=
18. Labour (1worker) for 6 months@150,000/= =900.000/=
19. Water bills for 6months(lampsum)=200,000/=
20. Unexpected costs and Emergencies=300,000/=
TOTAL EXPENSE=17,883,000/=
note: These projects work for only those on deep litter system. I have included all costs form construction to laying (45%).
PROFIT Margin:
For 500birds, morality @3% growing phase= 485birds in production.
@90% production, 485 birds will lay 436eggs=14trays per day.
@10000/= farm gate egg price, 14trays will make 140,000/= per day.
Feeding. 485 layers will eat 54kgs per day(110g per bird)
Feed cost:54kgs of layers feeds will cost 81,000/=(@1500/= per kg)
Daily profit.140000 less 81000= 59000/=
Now on the 59000, less 9000 to cater for labor. Farm expenses and supplements were necessary. You end up with 50,000/= as you daily income gain.
for 30days= 1.500.000/=